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Creative and financial independence through poetry.

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Register For Our Weekly Events
Monday: Micro Mic
Free featured reading from a poet, followed by a discussion 7:00-7:45PM
Thursday: Poet Business Institute
Free poetry workshop 6:30-7:45PM Thursdays (limit 6) REGISTER
Friday: Photo Friday
Free poet headshot 12-1:30PM (limit 3) REGISTER
Saturday Ekphrastic
10:30AM-12PM Visit the Columbus Museum of Art and do writing exercises
(first 4 registrants get free admission; register here)
Sunday: Open Studio
Free recording of a 10-15 minute poetry set 3:00-4:00PM REGISTER
(current dates: February 9th and Feb 23rd | 2 poets per date | each poet can perform twice a year)

created diVERSES to promote the writing of multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and under-represented poets in building writing that supports creative and financial future. His poems can be found in journals like Cimarron, Tar River, Ninth Letter, Indiana Review, and Hobart. He's a Callaloo fellow, Cave Canem fellow, poetry retreat organizer, event curator, and dad
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