Winter Retreat
January 31st-February 2nd

Our fifth year of poetry retreats
is here!

Join us January 31st-February 2nd for an intensive poetry immersion experience! During the three days you can expect to:
3+ poems
2+ poems
3+ poems
9:30-10AM Arrival
10:00AM-12PM Reading Analysis + Writing
1:00PM-5PM Workshop
Saturday 8PM Community Open Mic

The Stanza
3058 W Broad St
We take pride in sharing space managed by Third Way Coffeehouse, a business dedicated to fostering community advocating for recovery
Facilitator: Geoff Anderson

Cave Canem Fellow
Callaloo Fellow
Watering Hole Fellow
Founder of diVERSES
Winner Ghost City Press Summer Micro-Chap Series
Winner Paper Nautilus Debut Series
Frost Place Finalist
BOAAT Chapbook Prize Finalist
Adrift Chapbook Competition Finalist
Published in journals including Ninth Letter, Cimarron,
Tar River, Indiana Review, Normal School, & Sugar House
3 Open Seats!
To claim a spot, complete a registration form below:
What Past Fellows Have Said
I was challenged, encouraged, and revitalized! It was all I could've hoped for and more!
I felt so lucky and happy to be a part of the group.
The writing prompts helped me break through a bit of writer's paralysis.
I was deeply impressed, had a great time, and am amazed by how much I learned and how valuable the workshop was -- especially for the price. Keep doing such great work!
Please keep doing this. And I hope past retreat members are welcome to return! I hit a real snag with my reading & writing life. I came into the workshop really nervous that I wouldn't be able to keep up or be able to produce anything. [It] helped me (re)navigate why I'm doing this and helped rekindle a love for reading poetry.​​
​Thank you SO much for this workshop. It was truly a gift.
YES. I would definitely recommend this workshop to poets who are further in their career as poets. This workshop is definitely not for poets who "dabble" in the art. I truly appreciate the more advanced approach in the workshop. The quality of the poets' work was superb!